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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Loettchen Fri May 21, 2010 5:37 pm

MasqPhan wrote:I thought I'd share some pics of the progress of my own Hannibal Slave Girl costume. Still a few things (crotch tiara etc) to fix plus the dressing gown.

That's gorgeous, MasqPhan! You did a spectacular job on the fabrics and trims, etc. Bravo.

operfantomet wrote:PS - latest progress of the Meg!Masquerade costume is gorgeous! Don't think I ever got around to comment it on LJ.

Thanks! I can't believe how close it is to being finished. In a few weeks I should have some photos of the whole thing, and I'll post them here.

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Guest Sun May 23, 2010 3:34 pm

Ok, it's only a tiny update, but here goes. In the picture below, the top cord and tassel are what I had for Fans Week. The one on the bottom is my first try at a new tassel. The gold cord was replaced and the tassel was made from scratch. 8 spools of thread in there. Hopefully it won't fray out too bad or get caught on too many things. Smile And for scale, the larger tassel is 12" long.

Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 DSC01983

Last edited by phantomfett on Tue May 25, 2010 4:48 am; edited 1 time in total


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  operafantomet Mon May 24, 2010 9:29 pm

Looking very good, Phantomfett!

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Post  Guest Tue May 25, 2010 4:05 am

Thanks! I just did the math on the thread used for these tassels.

512.2 yards of thread. Shocked

Per tassel! Shocked Shocked

That's 2,048.8 yards of thread for the tassels alone.... Yowza! Cool


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  MasqPhan Tue May 25, 2010 1:34 pm

phantomfett wrote:Thanks! I just did the math on the thread used for these tassels.

512.2 yards of thread. Shocked

Per tassel! Shocked Shocked

That's 2,048.8 yards of thread for the tassels alone.... Yowza! Cool

Very impressive. The tassels from last year were nice but these are so much nicer. You've got a lot of patience.

Last edited by MasqPhan on Tue May 25, 2010 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Because I can't spell.)

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  operafantomet Tue May 25, 2010 3:31 pm

MasqPhan wrote:I've really been enjoying all the various costume pics. So many great costumes on the go. Can't wait to see the final items.

I thought I'd share some pics of the progress of my own Hannibal Slave Girl costume. Still a few things (crotch tiara etc) to fix plus the dressing gown.

Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Th_SANY1210Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Th_SANY1214Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Th_SANY1216
Click on the images for a bigger view.
Just had to go back to this costume, it's amazing. So close to the real thing! Do you close it in front or the back? I'm guessing the back, as the front is very smooth and snug.

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Post  MasqPhan Wed May 26, 2010 3:44 am

operafantomet wrote:Just had to go back to this costume, it's amazing. So close to the real thing! Do you close it in front or the back? I'm guessing the back, as the front is very smooth and snug.
Actually it closes in the front like the real costume does. "...the front is very smooth and snug" Yes I just wish I was built as nicely as the mannequin. Although a corset underneath does wonders. lol

Viscountess wrote:That is unbelievable. I honest to goodness almost asked you why you posted that here instead of the rare pics thread.

Laughing Fooled you. I'll take that as a compliment.

Thanks for your comments too Rebecca and Loettchen.

I'll post one more update when all is done.

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Guest Fri May 28, 2010 2:45 am

So, just for fun, I added up how much thread has been sacrificed so far on my project. And the grand total is........ 5,304 yds of various thread/floss. Shocked And I'm still not done!

Last edited by phantomfett on Fri May 28, 2010 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  operafantomet Fri May 28, 2010 7:25 am

phantomfett wrote:So, just for fun, I added up how thread has been sacrificed so far on my project. And the grand total is........ 5,304 yds of various thread/floss. Shocked And I'm still not done!
You know, that is.... a lot!!!! What a Face

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Post  Rebecca Fri May 28, 2010 3:05 pm

operafantomet wrote:
phantomfett wrote:So, just for fun, I added up how thread has been sacrificed so far on my project. And the grand total is........ 5,304 yds of various thread/floss. Shocked And I'm still not done!
You know, that is.... a lot!!!! What a Face

It was fun to do that calculation?? As if we needed more proof that you are a crazy person....

LOL! I tease, of course Wink That's a LOT of thread!!!

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Post  meglett Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:51 pm

For any of you 'Dressing Gown' people, I have good news and bad news.

Good news: I found another supplier of the dressing gown fabric on wholesale.
Exotic : Showing here!

Bad news: You have to buy at least 15 yards of if to get the price and your whole order has to be at least $100. So if you get 16 yards and a couple samples or accessories, you too can get the beautiful Dressing Gown fabric for a fraction of the cost at B&J. (Not to put down B&J, I love that store. It is heaven.) Very Happy

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Post  Guest Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:51 pm

You are too amazing for words, Bri! How'd you find this?


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  MasqPhan Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:30 am

Wow! Nice find.

Is there a different patterned material used for the frilly part of the costume? I've been looking at photos but can't quite figure out what the pattern is.

Is it this marble pattern from the same shop?

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Post  meglett Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:11 am

phantomfett wrote:You are too amazing for words, Bri! How'd you find this?
I found it looking for burnout fabric for another costume.

MasqPhan wrote:Is there a different patterned material used for the frilly part of the costume? I've been looking at photos but can't quite figure out what the pattern is.

Is it this marble pattern from the same shop?
The ruffles are a white floral burn out velvet. I've only seen it at B&J's, but the search continues. Smile

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  operafantomet Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:31 pm

Great, now I want to make a new dressing gown, although I have several unfinished projects... Thanks a lot! Laughing

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Post  Stephanie Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:45 pm

That is awesome that another store has the dressing gown fabric! It is beautiful.

I actually already purchased that fabric from B&J and my dressing gown (that is being commissioned) will be in the works soon. I will post pictures once it is ready. Smile

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Post  Guest Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:40 pm


Did you buy any of the dressing gown fabric from this new place? I'm interested to know how close it is to the B&J stuff.

I so need to get back to that store....Anyone want to make a run? Smile


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  meglett Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:17 pm

I did buy the fabric. It's the real deal. I compared it to the B&J scraps I have and it all matches. I was so excited when I got it. If anyone is going to make a run to B&J's, I have a list of things I would like picked up too. lol!

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Post  Guest Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:19 pm

I meant who wants to go shopping with me there? Smile Bri, you have a pm.

How much did the fabric run you per yard?


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  MasqPhan Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:36 pm

meglett wrote:The ruffles are a white floral burn out velvet. I've only seen it at B&J's, but the search continues. Smile

Burn out velvet. Ah. Never thought of that. Rats I wish that store had it.
I'm definitely going to get some of the paisley material. I'd tried ordering from B&J's in the past but for some reason kept getting the run around. Maybe because it's a small order and to out of the country.

Kind of scared of what that burn out velvet costs at B&J's but would love to get my hands on it anyway. Go big or go home. Right? Very Happy

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Guest Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:37 pm

MasqPhan wrote:
meglett wrote:The ruffles are a white floral burn out velvet. I've only seen it at B&J's, but the search continues. Smile

Burn out velvet. Ah. Never thought of that. Rats I wish that store had it.
I'm definitely going to get some of the paisley material. I'd tried ordering from B&J's in the past but for some reason kept getting the run around. Maybe because it's a small order and to out of the country.

Kind of scared of what that burn out velvet costs at B&J's but would love to get my hands on it anyway. Go big or go home. Right? Very Happy

Hell yeah!!!!


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Viscountess Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:07 am

I think I also saw some burn out fabric at Mood. They have everything, but they're also on the pricey side.

Edit: Wow, don't I feel smart now. I've been kind of unsure about what burn out velvet was... and then I realized that it's the EXACT fabric I'm using for a project right now. Laughing

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Post  MasqPhan Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:19 am

I think I just found another source for the exact burnout velvet/silk for the ruffle on the dressing gown. Here's a pic comparing the pattern of the fabric sample to a picture of Sierra wearing the dressing gown.
Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Burnoutsilkvelvet

edit: I forgot to post the link to the store. $11.50 per yard (45inch width).

The paisley silk is also available at that place.

Edit: Check my post below for an even cheaper source.

Last edited by MasqPhan on Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:47 am; edited 2 times in total

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  ChorusGirl Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:34 pm

I recalled that Dharma Trading Co. sold burn-out silk scarves. Here it is- scroll down to the "Flower" pattern:

Just $5.25 for a 9"x54" scarf, or $8.29 for a 14" x 72"!

I had never noticed before that the ruffle was burned out velvet. I just assumed it was lace! Pretty cool...

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Post  MasqPhan Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:20 pm

Another nice find with those scarves in the same pattern. Smile

I forgot to post the link to where the other material I posted last night is sold. That's what I get for staying up past 3am. Laughing
It's $11.50 for 36x45 inch lengths and can be cut in continuous larger lengths. Shipping is super cheap too.

They also carry the same paisley fabric that is sold at B & J's and Exotic Silks. I also noticed they had other patterns that I've seen in some dressing gowns in the past.

EDIT: I spent the evening fabric shopping and found some new info. I contacted the shop that Brianne posted and they also have a retail shop if folks don't want to buy $100 of material at a time. The paisley is a bit more expensive then but still reasonable at $9.25 per yard.

They also carry the burnout velvet with the "morning glory print" but only in the scarf format like ChorusGirl posted earlier. Their price for the 15x72 scarves is $6.85 each.

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Post  ChorusGirl Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:56 pm

Ooh, great links there, MasqPhan! Now I'm *really* tempted! Smile

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 14 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  operafantomet Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:58 am

So, anyone actually making costumes these days, or just plotting? Cool

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Post  MlleMusique Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:00 am

So, anyone actually making costumes these days, or just plotting?

I AM! Very Happy (Both making and plotting. The only way to do it, I think Wink )

My god, we actually have progress on the Il Muto ballet gown. (Remember me? Remember that costume?) I have just been INSANELY busy these past few weeks, with uni (I'm trying to do five subjects. and the recent and sudden death of my grandfather shook everything up, too. But I am still at it! I got a *brand new* sewing machine that's all complicated, so once I learn how to use it...LOL.

I pretty much just have to hem one of the skirts, get around to making the false corset panel for the bodice and tidy up some things at the back of the costume (like adding a BIG bow to cover some mistakes...ahem Rolling Eyes ) and we might be finished! I'm also working on a replica of Christine's Countess gown; we have an underskirt and some decorations I've to sew onto the bodice...

What can I say? I'm hooked.

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Post  Stephanie Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:26 pm

operafantomet wrote:So, anyone actually making costumes these days, or just plotting? Cool

I am! Well, sort of. I can't sew, but I have commissioned a dressing gown and it should be ready later this summer. I'll post pictures once it is ready!

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Post  MasqPhan Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:48 pm

operafantomet wrote:So, anyone actually making costumes these days, or just plotting? Cool
I bought the dressing gown material and found some trim & pattern on eBay so I'm going to attempt to make the real deal type of dressing gown. My other one was a garment purchases on eBay and then tweaked to make it into a dressing gown but it's just a plain cotton and doesn't drape right or have quite the right look.

MlleMusique, my sympathies to you on the loss of your grandfather.

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