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Phantom of the Opera "costumes"

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Phantom of the Opera "costumes" Empty Phantom of the Opera "costumes"

Post  Goblins or Shoes Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:49 am

Oh, good Lord.
Rolling Eyes
Did anyone do ANY research into these costumes before labelling them as "phantom"? And if so, what were they smoking?

Goblins or Shoes

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Phantom of the Opera "costumes" Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera "costumes"

Post  Viscountess Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:57 am

Goblins or Shoes wrote:Oh, good Lord.
Rolling Eyes
Did anyone do ANY research into these costumes before labelling them as "phantom"? And if so, what were they smoking?
Huh. So that's where the new UK Tour got their costumes. Laughing

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Phantom of the Opera "costumes" Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera "costumes"

Post  Paula74 Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:27 pm

I was drinking soda and damned nearly swallowed an ice cube when I saw "Raoul."


I actually like Carlotta's Hannibal headdress. Just not in that context.

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Phantom of the Opera "costumes" Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera "costumes"

Post  Phantom on a Budget Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:34 am

Why is Christine's costume from a cheap lingerie catalog?
Phantom on a Budget
Phantom on a Budget

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Phantom of the Opera "costumes" Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera "costumes"

Post  ML6 Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:39 am

You can tell what version of Phantom they were inspired by.

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