Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Madame Giry
Christine's Shadow
Sylent Phantom
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Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Gorgeous! And I forgot to mention this before, but I love the new design of your site... Very elegant and professional-looking.
Last edited by IamErik771 on Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Raphael wrote:This one's new, and one I'm particularly proud of:
As I said before, absolutely wonderful.
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
that is a wonderful piece, I'm always floored by your work (I lurk on deviantArt).
side note: I'm not sure why, but your site hasn't worked completely for me. I'm running off a safari browser and the window will come up, and then the menu will just continually re-load.
side note: I'm not sure why, but your site hasn't worked completely for me. I'm running off a safari browser and the window will come up, and then the menu will just continually re-load.
Christine's Shadow- Posts : 140
Join date : 2009-09-23
Age : 33
Location : Toronto, Canada
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Christine's Shadow wrote:
side note: I'm not sure why, but your site hasn't worked completely for me. I'm running off a safari browser and the window will come up, and then the menu will just continually re-load.
Unfortunately, the same thing just happened to me with the most recent version of Firefox.
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Really? Curious. Christine's Shadow, is it the intro animation in the pop-up window that is in a perpetual loop? It could be an issue with the new Flash Player, but I'd hope not since I'm unable to test it until I get some heavy maintenance done on my computer. Perhaps I should construct an HTML-based site as an alternative. Thanks for the heads-up!
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Same thing happens on my Mac (with Safari). Not that that's of any help, I know... but it might be helpful to know as we're probably not the only Mac users visiting your site.
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
operafantomet wrote:Same thing happens on my Mac (with Safari). Not that that's of any help, I know... but it might be helpful to know as we're probably not the only Mac users visiting your site.
How strange, it works for me on my Mac. I use both Safari and Firefox, they both work.
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
*GASP* Heaven forbid I'd ever consider designing my site on anything but a Mac!operafantomet wrote:Same thing happens on my Mac (with Safari). Not that that's of any help, I know... but it might be helpful to know as we're probably not the only Mac users visiting your site.
I've been using Macs since the beginning of time. The site works fine on my Safari and Firefox browsers (although they are the previous versions of them). But I'll definitely look into designing an HTML version. And funneling some money into repairing my computer ASAP...
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Raphael, that is a lovely drawing. You always put such style with your Christines!
I can't get the site to work either--same "perpetual loop" issue. I use Opera browser, the latest version.
Hey Raphael
I use a mac and the same thing happen to me. I normally use firefox but not even safari would load it properly. I have been meaning to tell you but keep forgetting. I first noticed It when I had to turn some one in on Da for stealing your Susan Kay cover.
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Alright, I'll put some time in and try to get an HTML version online. If anyone else has any problems viewing the site, you can always email me at raphael@phantoonsoftheopera.com or let me know on here.
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Hello. I just tried your website, Raphael, and it worked fine for me. I'm using Firefox version 3.5.3, if that information helps.
As for your work? I've been admiring it from afar for several years now. I envy you your talent.
As for your work? I've been admiring it from afar for several years now. I envy you your talent.
HDKingsbury- Posts : 128
Join date : 2009-09-29
Age : 124
Location : Ohio
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Works fine for me too now, the menu becomes visible and stays there. Last time it kept re-loading and re-loading.
I love the transaction from the picture of MC and to the drawing!
I love the transaction from the picture of MC and to the drawing!
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
It's not much, but I've got two T-shirt designs up at my "mostly finished" Zazzle shop. Here's a direct link:
Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera Zazzle Shop
Working on greeting cards, art prints and the 2010 Pin-Up calendar next.
Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera Zazzle Shop
Working on greeting cards, art prints and the 2010 Pin-Up calendar next.
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
I'll be looking forward to seeing what else you will have for sale. The calendars sound like something I'd like to buy for Christmas gifts...you know, for the phans on my list!
I bought a couple of t-shirts from your Cafe Press gallery a few years ago. Still got 'em, too.
I like Zazzle. I find it easy to use. All you need is a little imagination and creativity, and I think you've got both of those qualities in spades!
I bought a couple of t-shirts from your Cafe Press gallery a few years ago. Still got 'em, too.
I like Zazzle. I find it easy to use. All you need is a little imagination and creativity, and I think you've got both of those qualities in spades!
HDKingsbury- Posts : 128
Join date : 2009-09-29
Age : 124
Location : Ohio
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
I very much like Zazzle; they offer a lot more in terms of range of products. I'll also be using Lulu for things like calendars since they have a few extra options that Zazzle doesn't. The 2010 Pin-Up calendar is on target for a late November release. Only have three more illustrations to go before I start assembling it all.
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Once I learned how to embed the fonts in the PDF files, there's been no stopping me on Lulu! I've used it for genealogy books, Civil War books, and...uhm...my fan fiction. I've never had any problems with Lulu; the quality of their products has always been top notch IMHO.
HDKingsbury- Posts : 128
Join date : 2009-09-29
Age : 124
Location : Ohio
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
A recent commission has been loaded into the "Phantom Lite 2" gallery -- for those of you who can make it that far into the site!
And for those of you who can't:
And for those of you who can't:
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Ohh! Nice!!!
HDKingsbury- Posts : 128
Join date : 2009-09-29
Age : 124
Location : Ohio
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Nice to see your newest artwork, Raphael! I am unable to view your site, so thank you for posting the image here!
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Once I get the templates laid out, I should be able to set up an HTML version of the site in short order.
If you're on Facebook, you can also see select images on my Phantoons Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Phantoons-of-the-Opera/124293952783
If you're on Facebook, you can also see select images on my Phantoons Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Phantoons-of-the-Opera/124293952783
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
I'm so looking forward to seeing this pin-up calendar!
Just for the record, I've discovered that I get the continual looping menu problem on your site if I skip the intro, but if I let it run through the intro then everything works just fine. *shrug*
Just for the record, I've discovered that I get the continual looping menu problem on your site if I skip the intro, but if I let it run through the intro then everything works just fine. *shrug*
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Raphael wrote:A recent commission has been loaded into the "Phantom Lite 2" gallery -- for those of you who can make it that far into the site!
And for those of you who can't:
And I am the one who comissioned the drawing! Because I do love Steve Barton...
ML6- Posts : 873
Join date : 2009-10-28
Age : 36
Location : USA
Re: Raphael's Phantoons of the Opera
Wow, that is superb! Phantastic job as always, Raph. I always did like that photo of Steve Barton and Sarah Brightman. (SB-squared? )
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