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Need to track down some good images online.

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Need to track down some good images online. Empty Need to track down some good images online.

Post  Blind Phan Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:12 am

Hey all! Does anyone know if there are good sets of images anywhere on the web that show the difference between the Phantom's deformity in the stage-version vs that in the Gerik? As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm working on a paper comparing the two versions, and it'd be really useful to be able to show the difference in what the Phantom looks like unmasked/unwigged in both. I don't want to take up space in the actual paper with photographs, though, (even if they would copy well from my Complete Phantom of the Opera and old souvenir programs, which I'm not sure they would because of the glossy pages), so URLs to online images would be awesome! Anyway, I don't even know if such a thing exists. LOL Images aren't my strong point! but I figured you guys might know. :-) So any and all help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Blind Phan

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Join date : 2009-09-24
Age : 44
Location : The Pantages Theatre Toronto!

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Need to track down some good images online. Empty Re: Need to track down some good images online.

Post  Phantom on a Budget Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:35 pm

Keep in mind that the makeup design and paint scheme vary from production to production.  Generally speaking, the stage makeup is always much more bold, dramatic, and horrific not just because it should be, but because it needs to play to the back of the house in a 1500+ seat theatre.  The movie makeup?  Not so much.  They wanted a more subtle effect for the movie theatres (nevermind the wanting to keep Butler still very comment there), so I understand what they were trying to do.  The stage makeup would have looked horrible on film, but I still feel like they could have made the film makeup more grotesque without it looking ridiculous.  

As far as images go....I think most of the phandom activity has moved over to tumblr, and you can find an almost endless amount of photographs and reference material there.  I'd suggest starting with Operafantomet's site, and using the search feature on her blog to look for pictures using key words/tags:

You can also do a Google images search for "Gerard Butler Phantom makeup" and it should give you a few angles of the film version as well.
Phantom on a Budget
Phantom on a Budget

Posts : 188
Join date : 2009-09-23

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Need to track down some good images online. Empty Re: Need to track down some good images online

Post  Blind Phan Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:51 am

Thanks Phantom On A Budget! Awesome! I take your point about the make-up varying among productions, and also about how it has to be more dramatic to reach the back of the house. And I'll definitely check out those sites! Thanks! That's a great start and a huge help! :-) You guys' help and opinions are really crucial in this, because I can't really compare the images myself. I can't tell how, or how well, they show the make-up/deformity in any given shot. LOL Indeed, my understanding of the difference between the stage and film faces is based on people's descriptions of them to me, and on my 20+ year old memory from when I could actually see the pictures in my Complete POTO and souvenir programs! So I don't want to rely totally on my own judgement/guesswork to pick out images for my paper. The reduction of the Gerik's deformity from what it is in the stage-version is a key part of my argument, though, so I do feel like I need to have sources that actually show the difference so my reader (whom I have to assume isn't familiar with POTO) can see what I'm referring to.

Blind Phan

Posts : 104
Join date : 2009-09-24
Age : 44
Location : The Pantages Theatre Toronto!

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