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good source of stage production photos?

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good source of stage production photos? Empty good source of stage production photos?

Post  mona lisa Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:28 pm

Hi there. Does anyone here know where to search for production shots of the scenes like Hannibal, Masquerade, Graveyard, etc., please ? I need those for the POTO thesis that analysis process of stage-to-screen adaptation. Many thanks for any recommended sites!

mona lisa

Posts : 45
Join date : 2011-01-17

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good source of stage production photos? Empty Re: good source of stage production photos?

Post  Paula74 Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:01 pm

mona lisa wrote:Hi there. Does anyone here know where to search for production shots of the scenes like Hannibal, Masquerade, Graveyard, etc., please ? I need those for the POTO thesis that analysis process of stage-to-screen adaptation. Many thanks for any recommended sites!

They're not sorted by scene, but the Rare Pictures thread here is a real treasure chest of production photos and there's some good ones in the Rare Pictures threads at, too.

The official Facebook page has tons of awesome photos, but not a lot of scenes. Still, it's so worth checking out.

And, while not on-line, Perry's Complete Phantom of The Opera has a great selection of production shots (original London cast).


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good source of stage production photos? Empty Re: good source of stage production photos?

Post  mona lisa Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:21 pm

thank you very much!

mona lisa

Posts : 45
Join date : 2011-01-17

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good source of stage production photos? Empty Re: good source of stage production photos?

Post  operafantomet Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:26 pm

Paula74 wrote:The official Facebook page has tons of awesome photos, but not a lot of scenes. Still, it's so worth checking out.
I second that one! Amazing collection of both rare and well known pictures from the Broadway production, from the opening in 1988 and until today. A visit there is a must. Here's some others:

Lots of pictures from Phantom in Copenhagen 2000-2003, and 2009:

The costume design:

Very rare pictures from 1986 and 1987 in West End, taken by Steve Barton's dresser Marcus Tylor:

London casts of 25 years:

I also second the suggesion of the "Rare pictures" threads in POTO forums. Here's links to the last pages:

If there's any pictures in particular you need, like closeups of props/costumes, large pictures of particular scenes or sets etc. feel free to ask in the Rare Pictures thread. Many here has large collections of interesting photos, but often specific requests is needed to make people put them online. Very Happy

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good source of stage production photos? Empty Re: good source of stage production photos?

Post  mona lisa Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:24 pm

great! thank you. this forum is soooo helpful:-)

mona lisa

Posts : 45
Join date : 2011-01-17

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good source of stage production photos? Empty Re: good source of stage production photos?

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