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Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller

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Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller Empty Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller

Post  Devon Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:09 am

Now that I posted about the Argento version it got me thinking of other versions that I have seen! I apologize if this has already been posted but I didn't see it so figured I would go for it. :-)

The 1991 musical drama/comedy POTO with David Staller as the Phantom. You know, I haven't seen this film for quite awhile and still just own it on VHS. I remember liking the lady (Elizabeth Walsh) who played Christine and thought she had a very pretty voice. The opera managers were a hoot and while the Phantom (Staller) was funny, I did NOT like his voice. It sounded like a chipmunk, too much vibrato in his voice. I was disappointed by that but thought the film, especially being filmed all on stage was good. Sets were slightly cheesy but then again, after seeing ALW's sets and costumes it's hard to be pleased by others! Side note to this: I soooo wish they would film ALW's Phantom on stage like they are doing with LND...grrrr, I would LOVE to see the stage version anytime I want (professionally filmed that is!)

Anyways, back on track here......Any thoughts from anyone who has seen this musical?

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Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller

Post  ML6 Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:00 pm

My mother found this for my at a garage sale and so, I have the VHS and I have no idea if there are added features to the DVD.
I haven't watched it since the day I got it. But my friend and I were giggling like crazy over the storyline and the songs. I remember at one point, in the dressing room, I thought it was Raoul that was in there. But it ended up being Madame Giry! She looked so manly! I also remember the songs weren't memorable. And there was one from an opera that they threw in there that went on for AGES.

I should probably re-watch it, just for old times sake. But then again, I probably shouldn't remember it.

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Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller

Post  Devon Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:46 am

I'm not sure but I know it's available for purchase on DVD. I have seen it on Ebay and Amazon, etc. I thought one of the most comical parts was the two opera managers in their office and the Phantom was playing tricks on them, and then I think they are were singing together but the Phantom was behind their mirror. Just remember that part making me chuckle. I don't remember Madame Giry but now I'm gonna have to watch it again for that reason...LOL!!

ML6 wrote:My mother found this for my at a garage sale and so, I have the VHS and I have no idea if there are added features to the DVD.
I haven't watched it since the day I got it. But my friend and I were giggling like crazy over the storyline and the songs. I remember at one point, in the dressing room, I thought it was Raoul that was in there. But it ended up being Madame Giry! She looked so manly! I also remember the songs weren't memorable. And there was one from an opera that they threw in there that went on for AGES.

I should probably re-watch it, just for old times sake. But then again, I probably shouldn't remember it.

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Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller

Post  IamErik771 Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:44 pm

I actually rather enjoyed this version... Most of the songs weren't really that memorable, but I did like "Running the Show" (the managers' song) and "Perfect Music" (the Phantom's solo). I also liked the Leroux touches the story had, especially the Persian. In all, not the best adaptation out there, but definitely worth watching at least once. Very Happy

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Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller

Post  Devon Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:08 am

Yes! That's it..."Running the Show"...hilarious scene!! That's the one I was talking about. It was a good musical but still I can't get over the Phantom's annoying chipmunk Other than that he was great.. :-)

IamErik771 wrote:I actually rather enjoyed this version... Most of the songs weren't really that memorable, but I did like "Running the Show" (the managers' song) and "Perfect Music" (the Phantom's solo). I also liked the Leroux touches the story had, especially the Persian. In all, not the best adaptation out there, but definitely worth watching at least once. Very Happy

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Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller

Post  IamErik771 Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:33 pm

I'm not sure what you mean by his "chipmunk voice," actually -- in the video, he had a very dark baritone voice. It might be that your VHS copy is a bit old and worn... I have a copy of the animated version of "Lord of the Rings" where Saruman sounded like a chipmunk, but I was glad to hear that it was just my tape and they didn't actually get someone with a chipmunk voice to play that role. Laughing

Here's a video of "Perfect Music" where David sounds like he should:

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Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller

Post  Devon Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:53 pm

IamErik771 wrote:I'm not sure what you mean by his "chipmunk voice," actually -- in the video, he had a very dark baritone voice. It might be that your VHS copy is a bit old and worn... I have a copy of the animated version of "Lord of the Rings" where Saruman sounded like a chipmunk, but I was glad to hear that it was just my tape and they didn't actually get someone with a chipmunk voice to play that role. Laughing

Here's a video of "Perfect Music" where David sounds like he should:

I watched that clip you posted. I do remember that scene and song, pretty song. I think what I meant by Staller's voice being "chipmunk-like" was that there is too much vibrato or shake if you will, in his voice. He has a nice pitch, baritone and sings with great feeling. I just don't like the vibrato or shakiness in his voice I guess, would sound nicer if it had a smoother sound to it.

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Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller

Post  AlwaysChristine Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:43 pm

I know the version. Very interesting, like the song "Perfect Music".
But I think there´s nothing between Phantom and Christine. There are some good scenes.
But I have no feeling for this.

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Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera w/David Staller

Post  Devon Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:53 pm

SweetChristine wrote:I know the version. Very interesting, like the song "Perfect Music".
But I think there´s nothing between Phantom and Christine. There are some good scenes.
But I have no feeling for this.

That is a good song. The thing I thought was cool about this version was the comedy aspect. I thought the comical parts of the show were done very well.

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