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Dracula: The Musical (by Frank Wildhorn)

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Dracula: The Musical (by Frank Wildhorn) Empty Dracula: The Musical (by Frank Wildhorn)

Post  IamErik771 Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:12 pm

Some pretty interesting news I found out courtesy of the WildhornFans forum... The MTI rights to this show have been released! You can see the page here.

I'm hoping we'll start to see productions of this one soon. I enjoyed the show despite the weaknesses of the Broadway production. (The German ones in Switzerland and Austria made some pretty major improvements, which have thankfully been preserved judging by the MTI synopsis.) I'm curious to see what the English lyrics are like for those songs that were added in the German versions and seem to have been kept in the MTI release.

As an aside, I love how Van Helsing is supposed to be high on morphine for one of his songs. Laughing

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Dracula: The Musical (by Frank Wildhorn) Empty Re: Dracula: The Musical (by Frank Wildhorn)

Post  Amyable_Nature Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:10 pm

I saw the Broadway production several times. I won't defend it, but I did enjoy it for what it was. I never warmed up to the idea of giving it a modern setting. Hmf. A dark Victorian thriller should probably be set in the Victorian era, no?

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Dracula: The Musical (by Frank Wildhorn) Empty Re: Dracula: The Musical (by Frank Wildhorn)

Post  IamErik771 Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:52 am

Yeah, I agree with you... I thought the St. Gallen, Switzerland production was a bit odd in that they set it in the 1950s. Whenever I watch clips of Drew Sarich as Dracula in that cast, I can't help thinking of David Tennant as the Doctor! (though I loved his portrayal anyway) I immensely prefer it when they go for Victorian costumes, sets, and such.

Apparently, a new production will be starting next year in the UK. You can find out all relevant info here. Very Happy

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Age : 36
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