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Matilda the Musical

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Matilda the Musical Empty Matilda the Musical

Post  HerMajesty Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:42 am

Anyone been? Saw it last week on our latest west end jaunt and thought it was great, such a lovely show and very deserving of its Oliviers.


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Matilda the Musical Empty Re: Matilda the Musical

Post  Scorp Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:26 pm

I didn't get it. I just didn't get it. I saw this last year but I just found it forgettable, and I so wanted to like it because it got rave reviews, a ton of Oliviers and Matilda is also my favourite children's book ever.

Maybe it didn't help sitting at the very back of the Cambridge Theatre, but yeah, I found it all a bit boring, to be honest.


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Join date : 2009-09-21

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