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Stephen Gately dies

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Stephen Gately dies Empty Stephen Gately dies

Post  Scorp Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:41 am

OK, no, I'm not a Boyzone fan or anything, but I've just heard the news. How? Why? And at 33?!

(Non-UK/Ireland people who've never heard of Boyzone might know this guy for performing ALW's 'No Matter What' single).

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Stephen Gately dies Empty Re: Stephen Gately dies

Post  EarlFan Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:39 am

Never been a fan of Boyzone, but I'm really sad to hear this news. Only 33 years old, that's awful.

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Stephen Gately dies Empty Re: Stephen Gately dies

Post  Paula74 Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:18 pm

BroadwayWorld has a short piece on this.

His is not a name I would have recognized if you hadn't mentioned "No Matter What." I've never been a fan of "boy bands" in general, but I remember seeing Boyzone during that ALW birthday celebration and I rather liked them.

He was two years younger than I am and hearing that he died so young really is saddening.

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