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Post  Admin Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:46 am

From POL it seemed that phans are more than able to run a forum without very much supervision or moderating. But if anyone wants to be moderators, it's most welcome. Write here or PM me!

Also, I'll try to figure out how members can get avatars and such...

If you have any other suggestions, feel free to post'em here. Very Happy

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Post  Scorp Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:50 am

Thanks for setting this up! Cool we really need a separate board for the 2004 film? Apart from the fact that it doesn't deserve one, few people posted on the one at POL...

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Post  Admin Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:29 am

Scorp wrote:Thanks for setting this up! Cool we really need a separate board for the 2004 film? Apart from the fact that it doesn't deserve one, few people posted on the one at POL...
I agree, it's a good point. On POL the activity in the movie forum was lower than say the London production thread, so I think we'll manage just fine with an own TOPIC on the theme and not an own forum.

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Post  Raphael Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:56 pm

If the forum needs (and is able to take) a little decorating, let me know. Seems we could use a little splash of Red Death here and there.


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Post  operafantomet Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:04 pm

Raphael wrote:If the forum needs (and is able to take) a little decorating, let me know. Seems we could use a little splash of Red Death here and there.

IF the forum need some decorations? Definitely. I'll PM or email you about it, I have an idea which I think could be cool, but I'm not sure if it's do-able yet and exactly how it could be executed. Very Happy

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Post  operafantomet Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:26 pm

Co-posting this here:

Raphael wrote:For stability's sake, we really need a team of die-hard phans as admins. You know, the kind of folks that you have to pry away from Phantom. That way when something goes wrong, you know you'll have access to at least one person who can do something about it.

I very much agree with that.

I too hope POL will be back. Despite the crash last year, there's still so much interesting topics and stuff there that I'd like to save. We phans definitely need a stabile, durable home after all the moving, there's so much lost every time. This forum is a bit of a dare, as it's free and a ready-to-use concept - not sure about the capacity and durability, but I choose to be optimistic. So far MasqPhan has signed up for the task of moderating, and Josefine - with a new and cool nick I dare you to figure out, he-he - will get admin rights as well.

But I think it's a wise idea to spread the responsibility and "power". We also need people from different time zones.... Anyone NOT from Scandinavia who wants to jump on board? I know several who fits the description the kind of folks that you have to pry away from Phantom... Wink

Thank you for valuable feedback.

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Post  IamErik771 Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:23 am

Heh... guess I should've posted here. Razz But yes, my offer still stands -- if you'd like to have a Hawaii Phan as a mod-person, I'll be happy to join this fine crew of awesomeness. Not sure why I'm phrasing it like that, but hey, it's late. I promise to be as authoritative, zany, and all-around Phanatical as the title would require. Wink

Last edited by IamErik771 on Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  SenorSwanky Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:11 am

Now that I know about this forum (thanks, FiddlePhan), I'd be happy to be a mod. Always wanted to be one way back on the old PFN in 2004.

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Post  operafantomet Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:31 pm

SenorSwanky wrote:Now that I know about this forum (thanks, FiddlePhan), I'd be happy to be a mod. Always wanted to be one way back on the old PFN in 2004.
Duly noted. Will come back to you (and other volunteers) in a fee days.

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Post  MasqPhan Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:13 am

I too keep hoping that Phansonline will suddenly start working again. There was so much on there, reviews, photos, discussions that it's a shame to lose it and have to start over again. We already went through that when Phansonline got moved to a new server or whatever it was last year. I supposed even if the site starts to work again, it's only a matter of time until another crash. It's too bad Chris went missing in action and there were no other administrators appointed. Sigh.

Thanks for making me a moderator. If you ever need help with additional administrators or whatever I'm certainly glad to help in any other way. I normally can check the site various times through the day. It's usually left on my screen most of the day while I'm working. I'm definitely one of those ones you have to pry away from Phantom. Laughing I'm also in an odd time zone that I don't think any other members here are in if you're wanting to spread things around.

A huge thanks again for taking up the reins and getting this forum up and running. Like a Star @ heaven cheers

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Post  HDKingsbury Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:15 pm

I'm not volunteering to be a mod or anything...but just wanted to say thanks for creating this board and for the invite to join. Looks like a good group here, and I look forward to interesting discussions.

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