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Some questions about POTO

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Some questions about POTO Empty Some questions about POTO

Post  PridePhan Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:19 pm

Hello, everyone here.
First I want to apologize if my English sucks. I am from Sweden and my english isnt the best. Then I really hope I did right to put these questions in an own post. If i didnt I apologise again!

This is the thing...
Back in the 80's I was totally crazy in POTO. I watched it in London when I was young and I became in love with the whole production. Then we got lucky in Sweden and POTO was playing here for 6 years with the best phantom ever, Mikael Samuelsson ( I promise he was so damn good!)

Now I feel that my love for The Phantom have started to wake up again (Love never dies you know :p) and I have decided to go to London and Visit but I have some questions when it comes to tickets.
Does anyone know when they release the tickets for fall 2012. The times I can go during spring 2012 didn't have any good seat and I really want the best seats there is Smile

If you don't live in the UK, whats the best way to get tickets to POTO? Last time I was there and saw it, Internet didn't exist Very Happy

Finally, do you fine people ever think that the real Phantom will be coming to DVD? I really didn't like the Albert hall version. I missed the real Phantom feeling. Now when they do this with the sequel, maybe the real one will come out on DVD too?


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Join date : 2011-10-13
Age : 53
Location : Sweden

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Some questions about POTO Empty Re: Some questions about POTO

Post  operafantomet Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:15 pm

PridePhan wrote:Hello, everyone here.
First I want to apologize if my English sucks. I am from Sweden and my english isnt the best. Then I really hope I did right to put these questions in an own post. If i didnt I apologise again!

This is the thing... Back in the 80's I was totally crazy in POTO. I watched it in London when I was young and I became in love with the whole production. Then we got lucky in Sweden and POTO was playing here for 6 years with the best phantom ever, Mikael Samuelsson ( I promise he was so damn good!)

Now I feel that my love for The Phantom have started to wake up again (Love never dies you know :p) and I have decided to go to London and Visit but I have some questions when it comes to tickets.

First... Does anyone know when they release the tickets for fall 2012. The times I can go during spring 2012 didn't have any good seat and I really want the best seats there is Smile

If you don't live in the UK, whats the best way to get tickets to POTO? Last time I was there and saw it, Internet didn't exist Very Happy

Finally, do you fine people ever think that the real Phantom will be coming to DVD? I really didn't like the Albert hall version. I missed the real Phantom feeling. Now when they do this with the sequel, maybe the real one will come out on DVD too?
Hi and welcome to the forum!

In my world Mikael Samuelsson is a Phantom God. And I didn't even see him live. But he's one of those who really put a personal stamp on the role. So I totally agree with you there. Smile

I tend to buy my tickets through . I think they're the official site for Phantom tickets, and I have but great experience with buying from them (I live in Norway, so our situation would be pretty much the same, I assume). When you buy from them, you can pick up the ticket at the theatre the same day, get them through snail mail and probably also get an e ticket (haven't tried that). I'm guessing next block of tickets will be released soon - isn't it approximately half a year in advance?

You can also try the TKTS ticket booth and/or web site for discounted tickets. But this is more of a gamble, as you have to buy shortly in advance, sometimes the same day.

As for the stage show on DVD, it won't happen as long as the original West End and Broadway productions are still running. The RAH concert version will be the closest for probably many years still.

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Age : 45
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Some questions about POTO Empty Re: Some questions about POTO

Post  PridePhan Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:30 pm

Thank you for your answer, and yes Samuelsson is a Phantom God Smile

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-13
Age : 53
Location : Sweden

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Some questions about POTO Empty Re: Some questions about POTO

Post  EarlFan Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:31 pm

Welcome to the forum, always nice with some more Scandinavians on here Smile
When it comes to buying tickets I can definitely recommend SeeTickets, just like operafantomet I've always had a great experience with them. A good swedish website is , I've bought tickets through them a couple of times and that worked well.

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Some questions about POTO Empty Re: Some questions about POTO

Post  PridePhan Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:06 pm

Thank you for the help.
I think I will go with seetickets, seems to have the best price. When I now have decided to go, I want to be able to watch the wonder really good. I have read to many notes from people who have been disappointed because they couldnt see all that happens on stage. Seems to be "easy" to get good seats with seetickets so now I just have to wait until they release the Fall 2012 tickets Smile

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-13
Age : 53
Location : Sweden

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