Deserted Phans
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Why so silent, fellow phans? I have written you an opera...

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Why so silent, fellow phans? I have written you an opera... Empty Why so silent, fellow phans? I have written you an opera...

Post  Gainesified Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:54 pm

I'm Sarah, and I've been a phan for three years now. Some of you might already know me from other Phantom forums, but in any case, I hope to make some friends and have fun here.

My favorite Phantoms are Davis Gaines, Michael Crawford, Stephen Tewksbury, Lon Chaney, and Claude Rains. I've also had the pleasure of seeing the stage show twice -- once in Vegas, and once where I live.

Anyway, I'll see you all around the site. Very Happy

Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-08-10
Age : 35
Location : Randomville, CA

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