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Phantom movie article on Empty Phantom movie article on

Post  Raphael Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:32 am

Marking the 101st anniversary of the debut of Leroux's tale in Le Gaulois, the genre website posted a retrospecitve of Phantom in the movies:


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Phantom movie article on Empty Re: Phantom movie article on

Post  IamErik771 Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:54 am

Neat article... It was interesting to see "Song at Midnight" get such a prominent mention; I've yet to see it, and didn't know it was that culturally significant in China. Pretty cool (if that's accurate). The description of the original ending to the Chaney film, though... I always thought Erik was meant to die in front of Christine shortly after the kiss, not weeks afterward. Or am I wrong on that?

Kind of a bummer that the Y/K miniseries wasn't mentioned at all (though the first commenter brought it up) -- maybe they just wanted to keep it limited to theatrical releases. And Bill Nighy did not play the Raoul equivalent in the '89 version! He was Carlotta's lover. Though I'm sure everyone here who saw that film already knew that. Laughing

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Phantom movie article on Empty Re: Phantom movie article on

Post  Madame Giry Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:30 am

Great article, Raph. Nice to see that the writer acknowledged that the 2004 film disappointed most fans. Wink

I agree, though, we're due for a new Phantom film. I know Hammer Films has been resurrected recently. It would be interesting if they tried to tackle Phantom again - y'know, since their first stab at it was kinda lacklustre.

While the idea of a Leroux-based film gets me salivating, I've always been intrigued to see if the story could be modernized in film in a good way. (Phantom of the Mall = not a good way)

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Madame Giry

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