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The Undergrounds of the "Phantom of the Opera": Sublimation and the Gothic in Leroux's Novel and Its Progeny by Jerrold E Hogle

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The Undergrounds of the "Phantom of the Opera": Sublimation and the Gothic in Leroux's Novel and Its Progeny by Jerrold E Hogle Empty The Undergrounds of the "Phantom of the Opera": Sublimation and the Gothic in Leroux's Novel and Its Progeny by Jerrold E Hogle

Post  HerMajesty Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:52 pm

These are critical essays, cost me a pretty penny but an interesting read all the same.


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The Undergrounds of the "Phantom of the Opera": Sublimation and the Gothic in Leroux's Novel and Its Progeny by Jerrold E Hogle Empty Re: The Undergrounds of the "Phantom of the Opera": Sublimation and the Gothic in Leroux's Novel and Its Progeny by Jerrold E Hogle

Post  HDKingsbury Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:05 am

Yes, the book is pricey...but I found the information in it fascinating! I had a nice discussion of this book, chapter by chapter, over on another board. I'd be happy to post my notes here for those who may not want to spend $70-some for it, but are interested none the less.

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The Undergrounds of the "Phantom of the Opera": Sublimation and the Gothic in Leroux's Novel and Its Progeny by Jerrold E Hogle Empty Re: The Undergrounds of the "Phantom of the Opera": Sublimation and the Gothic in Leroux's Novel and Its Progeny by Jerrold E Hogle

Post  Scorp Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:28 pm

I got mine in near-new condition at a not-too-bad price of £35. It's a must-have for any serious Phantom fan. You may not agree with some of Hogle's very Freudian theories, but there are some very illuminating insights in there. My main criticism is that his analysis of Leroux's novel perhaps relies too much on cultural trends and background history and isn't substantiated enough by textual examples.

Hogle has also written quite a good article that pre-dates the Undergrounds book and might be worth dipping into for those who are new to his theories re: Phantom. It was published in South Atlantic Quarterly, but I think one of the Random House (?) editions of Leroux's novel includes it at the back.

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The Undergrounds of the "Phantom of the Opera": Sublimation and the Gothic in Leroux's Novel and Its Progeny by Jerrold E Hogle Empty Re: The Undergrounds of the "Phantom of the Opera": Sublimation and the Gothic in Leroux's Novel and Its Progeny by Jerrold E Hogle

Post  HDKingsbury Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:37 pm

He's also the editor of The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction, and contributed an article (or is the correct term essay?) to the book:

While the Freudian theories are not held in such high regard today, they were very much the "in" thing in Leroux's day, and it's easy to see how they might have influenced him.

The book is pretty heavy going in places, and when I was reading it I spent just as much time looking up different persons, places and events referred to as I did reading. In some ways, it was like taking an in-depth course in Phantomology. Smile

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The Undergrounds of the "Phantom of the Opera": Sublimation and the Gothic in Leroux's Novel and Its Progeny by Jerrold E Hogle Empty to-H>D. re-Hoggle

Post  erikmylove Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:11 pm

Hi- It seems I am always too late for the good stuff but if you would still consider posting your notes, I would dearly love to read them. I would not ask but I am on an absurdly limited income and have not a bat's chance of buying this book.

Plus if you will indulge me a bit here, if you wrote menus even, I know I would love to read them.


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