Deserted Phans
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Just a heads-up, you guys might have addware and stuff tagging along

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Just a heads-up, you guys might have addware and stuff tagging along Empty Just a heads-up, you guys might have addware and stuff tagging along

Post  Blind Phan Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:28 am

:-) Just doing my civic duty! Anyway, was on this site early this morning, and, when I tried to log in, I got a pop-up saying my system had been blocked. It told me that I had viruses and malware, and to call a phone-number for support. So I called Apple instead (I'm a Mac user), and they said that pop-up wasn't from them - that Safari doesn't have such a capability. So it sounds like it was a fishing pop-up!

Also, and this may or may not be related - LOL I'll leave that to the technically knowledgeable to sort out, earlier last night I was seeing a lot of adds at the bottom of threads. And, during an earlier log-in attempt, I got this thing trying to get me to sign up for some kind of online game - Soldiers Inc.

Anyway, :-) just a heads-up so you guys can chase away any nasty bots if needed!

Blind Phan

Posts : 104
Join date : 2009-09-24
Age : 45
Location : The Pantages Theatre Toronto!

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