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The Dario Argento Version: Why Do Phans Hate it?

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The Dario Argento Version: Why Do Phans Hate it? Empty The Dario Argento Version: Why Do Phans Hate it?

Post  Phantomasc Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:22 pm

First of all I steamed it off of Netflix while it was on there, and I had HEARD it was the worst version, so to me that meant "Don't compare it to the novel." Honestly excepting the choice of craming half the book into the last 27 minutes of the film, I enjoyed it. The critics hated it, one compared it to the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical which is unfair. So WHY do Phans hate this version? The thing I hate about it is I can't stream it anymore.


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The Dario Argento Version: Why Do Phans Hate it? Empty Re: The Dario Argento Version: Why Do Phans Hate it?

Post  Morleigh Thu Jul 07, 2016 1:40 am

I suppose, in the end, it comes down to a matter of taste. If you like Argento's style of film-making, it's fine. But personally, there's so much about it that's just repugnant on so many levels. The rape! The rat sex! Not to mention all the sex scenes and exploitation of his own daughter!
It's a very sick, twisted, take on the Leroux novel and I think most people just couldn't handle it.
Most of the time, I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I had to stop the films several times because I could not bear what I was seeing.
To each their own, though, I suppose.

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