Greetings! *shy wave*
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Greetings! *shy wave*
Hi, everyone! Just thought I'd introduce myself here at last, after lurking around as a shy non-member for a long while! *waves energetically* Twelve-Inch-Tailor here, otherwise known as Helen. I've been a phan since I was fourteen, although I initially read a Penguin Children's version when I was seven - which had the most terrifying cover I've ever seen on a Phantom book! That scared me off until I was older and developed an interest in 19th century Gothic literature - by which time the 2003 movie came out
I borrowed the original 1987 cast recording from my aunt - (on cassette, showing my age there) and well... I became a complete fan! It's very nice to meet you all - this seems like one of the nicest forums I've seen for Phantom fans!
Re: Greetings! *shy wave*
Hi TwelveInchTailor! Welcome to the forum!
NightRachel- Posts : 216
Join date : 2012-04-21
Age : 46
Location : New Jersey, USA
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