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Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup

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Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup Empty Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup

Post  PhantomOfTheSalle Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:06 am

Since I've done a bit of fanart in the past, I figured it would be good to start posting it. I'll just put all my stuff in this one thread for sanity's sake. Included will be information on my phan shirts as well as any random fanart I feel like sharing.

For starters, here is an age progression of Erik that I did after discussing the medical reasons behind the deformities with madamegiry.
Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup Erik_a10

And here is a shirt too.
Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup GainesTee_bleach

I'll add stuff about the shirts later, but for now here is a link to the photo gallery: phan shirts

If anyone wants me to discuss the makeup I did for Vegas I'll be happy to throw that in here too,

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Join date : 2012-09-09
Location : Texas

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Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup Empty Re: Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup

Post  ML6 Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:56 pm

Oh! OH! You're the one that does the really awesome shirts (the one's that Webber wishes that he has). They're absolutely fantastic. My favorite being the Red Death one.

Love you work. Smile

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Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup Empty Re: Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup

Post  Raphael Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:17 pm

Great stuff, Salle Smile Keep it up!


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Location : San Francisco Bay Area

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Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup Empty Erik, Take the Lead

Post  PhantomOfTheSalle Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:59 am

I started doing a series of silly cartoons in which I take our favorite opera ghost and force him into the lead male roles of other musicals. Here's what I have so far:
The Book of Mormon
A Christmas Carol

I post them weekly on Tuesday and pick the musicals based on monthly themes. Obviously December is Christmas shows.
I hope you enjoy and are welcome to follow the silliness on my Tumblr.

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Location : Texas

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Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup Empty Re: Salle's phanart, shirts, and makeup

Post  Raphael Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:35 am

Nice! I'm looking forward to seeing more Smile


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Join date : 2009-09-22
Location : San Francisco Bay Area

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