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Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS

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Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Empty Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS

Post  StrangerThanUDreamt Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:56 am

This may take a while to get up in its entirety, but I wanted to start while the details are still fresh in my mind.

Let me start off by saying this was the fist, and sadly last, time I saw the Las Vegas production of Phantom; I know as a "phan" it's crazy I waited so long, but it was one of those things I kept putting off, until I saw the closing notices and knew I HAD to be there. I really want to make this as in-depth as possible, SO first I'll do a break down of the performers, then I'll do a "highlights" review followed by final thoughts.

A closing night is never a joyous night, but somehow the energy that flowed from the cast and audience made sure this production ended on the highest of high notes, I was anticipating it being a very sad evening but in return it was a borderline rock concert, or as I said after the show to a few fellow DPs "It was like Phantom on crack, no!?"

Part 1

PHANTOM- The Las Vegas Spectacular; Closing Night 09/02/12

Anthony Crivello(Phantom): I will admitt I had heard/read very mixed reviews on Anthonys portrayal of the masked man, and went in with an open mind that it may be different from what I was use to. And I was dead on. VERY different from any other Phantom I've seen/heard. Some things took a few days for me to mull over to form my thoughts on his portrayal, and they have all amounted to this; while vocally the desert air isnt kind on any voice I was SO happy to finally see the Phantom played as a tortured musical genius rather than a depressed lover! I really felt with Anthonys version that this was a man who was obsessed with his music and the power it holds. Some say the wear and tear of the desert air on his voice has shown through, I agree but, I actually liked it! I felt this man had seen the world, and traveled about to some of the most exotic of places, which all was believable through the more "mature" sound of his voice. I say give Anthony a proper rest away from the dry air, and then bring him to Broadway! He has some of the most unique physical acting of any Phantom, and I really felt (as others do as well) he adds so many layers to MoTN that without the song usually falls as just a pretty ballad, but I always felt like there was something more to his Phantom, a gesture or action that you dont expect but still fits in with the character, I would love to see him in the full Broadway version (I somehow doubt they could get a name like Crivello to headline the 2013 tour, but I'd take that gladly)

Kristi Holden (Christine): I tend to be a very picky person when it comes to the character of Christine, I have only seen very few who have really impressed me by taking the character out of the feared two-dimensional cage that seems to all too often to trap the character. With that said I in no way felt I was getting anything less than a stellar performance from Kristi, her ToM was beautiful and her interaction with Raoul was so lively and believable that her and Andrew had all of us giggling like smitten lovers during their EPIC AIAoY. My "moment of truth" for Christine though is Wishing, and this ladies and gentlemen is where she SOLD IT to a T, I believe she was also in real tears in this song as well, but this song to me is such an important and pivotal moment for the character that it cant just be sung by a pretty voice, it has to be felt and acted as though all the years of supressed emotions are coming to a head, even with a shortened version of the song she managed to do what many others (who have the luxury of the full liberetto to flesh things out) havent, at that moment I believed she was Christine Daae'. I'll leave it at that.

Andrew Ragone (Raoul): I am someone who has never really been very fond of the character of Raoul is recent years, I loved Steve Barton's charming take, and even really enjoyed Patrick Wilson's portrayal in '04 film version, but those are the only two that I can honestly say I could root for in the context of the story; I would now like to add Andrew Ragone to that very short list of Raouls who have honestly impressed me! Andrew reminds me so much of the Leroux version of Raoul, full of young love and just smitten with Christine, the Little Lotte scene was so convincing, and AIAoY was beyond incredible, a song which was never one of my favorites became one of my favorite moments of the night. I think furture casts should have to watch the way Holden and Ragone performed that song on closing night, because I have never seen/heard it done better! Here is the real game changer, on my end at least, for the first time, at the end of the Final Lair, I honestly believed Christine should go with Raoul, for that she really had a promising future with him. Something else Ragone's performance changed my thoughts on as well was my view of LND...yes I use to be so/so with it, but after seeing a truly magnificent Raoul I feel almost...offended, by what has happened to him in the "sequel" and pretty much refuse to consider it canon, and that is all I am going to say about that.

Brianne Kelly Morgan (Meg): One of the characters that I feared would suffer from the abridged book actually shined through as one of the strongest performers. I have always had a soft spot for the character of Meg (given my love for all things Ballet) but hadnt seen the character done in such a rich fashion until I witnessed Brianne's portrayal. Up there with Andrew and (at certain moments) Anthony I felt I was watching the character from Leroux's novel come alive on the stage. I have to say one of the funniest moments was watching her expressions during Prima Donna, as the managers are feeding Carlotta's ego the looks Brianne had were priceless, I have never seen a Meg be so invested in every scene to where she demanded my attention (much like Andrew). Now what I am about to say is in no way to disrespect Ms. Holden and her lovely portrayal as Christine, but there were several times during the production my mind entertained the thought of how brilliant Brianne would be in the role of Christine Daae. I felt that she was having to hold back a bit, vocally, as to not overpower Holden during AoM, and if she can flesh out Meg as well as she did in an abridged version of the show, I can only imagine how amazing it would be to see her as Christine in the full production (New US Tour here is your chance to win me over!). I think Ms. Morgan as paid her dues as Meg, and if she is to return to Phantom it would be a crime not to utilize her as Christine.

Joan Sobel (Carlotta) & Larry Wayne Morbitt (Piangi): I'm combining these two in one, because unfortunately I felt these two characters suffered dramatically from the reduced book of the Vegas version. Carlotta has always been one of my favorites, because she is one character I feel really has to be witnessed in the live show to fully appreciate (Although now with the complete RAH recording that may be debatable). I do want to point out that this is in no way a reflection on the actual performances given by Sobel and Morbitt, for those that were there you know pure stage magic happened in Hannibal, when Sobel got a roar of cheers and applause after her opening cadenza ( which I always felt the urge to clap when a Carlotta really nails those notes, and Sobel did!) And with Morbitt milking the ".... amateurs" line for all it was worth, I really felt the editing axe was swung much to harshly on these characters in this version. Although I really enjoyed the slightly quickened pace of "act I" with the small cuts here and there and honestly felt it was an improvement on the show, but when "act II" ..or what was left of it came around it seemed Carlotta and Piangi nearly cease to exist. I had heard Notes II had been shortened..but the conflict that is sorely needed to push the characters of Christine and Carlotta forward was missing, what was left of Notes II felt more like "The Christine Daae Show" than actual progression of the plot. These are two performers I would really like to see in the full production, given what they did on closing night with the abridged book, I feel they could really flesh out their roles given the opportunity.

Tina Walsh (Giry), John Leslie Wolfe (Andre) & Lawson Skala (Firmin): These three here wrap up my performer-based review; Although maybe just a tad young for the role I loved LOVED the smokey voice Walsh gave for Mdm. Giry, really reminded me of classic voices used for old-school Disney villains and it really stood out from any other Giry I have seen. Wolfe & Skala were a great duo for the managers, and I really liked how they didn't play their roles JUST for laughs. Another quibble I have that goes with the managers but is in no way the fault of either performer (and again this is most likely due to the abridged book) is that in what was left of Notes II the managers (I cant remeber if it was both or just one) were still in their Masquerade gear! It may seem like Im being overly picky, but I honestly felt the seriousness of the scene (or what was left of it) was nearly lost by keeping the manager(s) in their comical costumes from Masquerade. I didn't mind Raoul staying in his, actually I preferred it, but it was a bit of an eyesore to have such a dramatic scene set against the lush curtains of Bjornsons' design, and have a character(s) still in the black leotard with the skeleton bone print, I feel this could have easily been fixed in some way, and am surprised that it was allowed to stay that way for a 6 1/2 year run...details people, details!

Well that concludes the bulk of my review! but wait......! There's one I cant go without mentioning...

I want to give a special shout out to the most chilling and best Auctioneer I have ever seen, Michael Lackey struck that perfect balance of eerie quality without making it way too over the top (which tends to happen a lot in this scene) and I couldn't wrap up this part of my review without mentioning him and the brilliance that was the Auctioneer ( I actually liked the abridged auction scene, I felt it added a bit more urgency to the matter, and honestly didn't miss the 'three human skulls...')

Part 2

Storming The Stage aka Phantom Mecca

Perhaps 'storming' isn't the best word, more like "with hesitation and nervousness of being kicked out by the ushers, phans slowly made their way up onto the stage" but it doesnt sound nearly as good, so we'll stick with 'storming' Very Happy

This was defiantly not anything I, or from the looks of it any phans, has foreseen happening. After the standing ovation that proceeded the curtain call, you could tell a handful of people in the theater just weren't ready to say goodbye to PLV yet. I was one of them, I decided to just take a few minutes and really take in the beauty of the custom-built theater, grab some shots of "Maria" (which my android proceeded to die!) and just mozy around in a space that had such a unique phantom-like feel.

What proceeded to happen, was beyond anything I could have hoped for. I introduced myself to a few in the front row, I had spotted who I thought was Phantom On A Budget, and luckily I was right (I could only imagine how the scenario would've played out had I been wrong, haha!). Met a few other forum and non-forum members, and was we gushed about the Vegas production we noticed several slowly making their way onto the stage, some of us skeptical to follow (had you witnessed the ferocity of the ushers that night, you would be too) but as we saw nothing was being said to the contrary many of us made our way up to have a closer look.

The first, and most obvious set piece was the lower half of the Masquerade staircase, complete with mannequins still attached (the other half was hanging above it) and it was wonderful to get to observe some of the "guests" up close, not to mention the staircase itself is (was,for it is now demolished) beautiful. After a few group shots on the staircase we all went off into different areas to see what else we could find...

One of my favorite pieces from the show, the infamous boat!
Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Untitled_zps87ded207

The elephant from Hannibal, I'm not aware of what her name is in the Vegas version
Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Untitled_zpsc9f0ebf2

And to many a surprise, Anthony came out about 30minutes or so after we had been on the stage, and was one of the most gracious performers I have ever met. With the madness of it being closing night aside, I have rarely seen a performer such as himself, take time with meet 'phans' and be nothing but genuine.
Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Untitled_zps86441bbf

More to come...

Last edited by StrangerThanUDreamt on Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:00 am; edited 7 times in total

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Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Empty Re: Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS

Post  NightRachel Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:22 pm

StrangerThanUDreamt wrote:Let me start off by saying this was the fist, and sadly last, time I saw the Las Vegas production of Phantom; I know as a "phan" it's crazy I waited so long, but it was one of those things I kept putting off, until I saw the closing notices and knew I HAD to be there.

Ah, so if I had been able to be there in Vegas too, then I wouldn't have been the only one seeing the show for the first and last time. Oh man, how I wish I could've been there! Sad
It's crazy that as a phan I too waited too long to see PLV, and of course I missed my chance forever since I couldn't make it there for the final performances. I know I'll regret it forever, but what can you do...time and lack of money were against me. Crying or Very sad

Anyway, enough moping about it...Thank you, Stranger, for posting "part 1" of your review, for sharing your thoughts with us here (esp those of us who weren't there), and I look forward to reading the rest of your review. Smile

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Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Empty Re: Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS

Post  LadyCDaae Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:19 pm

I was SO happy to finally see the Phantom played as a tortured musical genius rather than a depressed lover! I really felt with Anthonys version that this was a man who was obsessed with his music and the power it holds.

Yeah, that was the thing that struck me most about Crivello's performance--it was compelling without being really sensual. And while I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand (and yes, even enjoy) the sensual aspect of the character, after so many years of seeing oversexed Phantoms I found it very refreshing to see someone who focused more on his obsessive, crazy side.

Here is the real game changer, on my end at least, for the first time, at the end of the Final Lair, I honestly believed Christine should go with Raoul, for that she really had a promising future with him. Something else Ragone's performance changed my thoughts on as well was my view of LND...yes I use to be so/so with it, but after seeing a truly magnificent Raoul I feel almost...offended, by what has happened to him in the "sequel" and pretty much refuse to consider it canon, and that is all I am going to say about that.

Exactly! The thing about the ending of PotO is that there is a rightness to it amidst the tragedy and sadness. Casablanca also has that mix of sorrow and truth about it, which is why it's one of the most enduring endings in film history. And none of the attempts to retcon LND into plausibility have been able to eliminate that fundamental correctness in my eyes.

Ragone's Raoul is wonderful--probably one of my favorites along with Mauer and Cudia. He's so innately honest and unpretentious that it's impossible not to like him.



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Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Empty Re: Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS

Post  operafantomet Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:48 pm

LadyCDaae wrote:Ragone's Raoul is wonderful--probably one of my favorites along with Mauer and Cudia. He's so innately honest and unpretentious that it's impossible not to like him.
He really won me over as well. He displayed all the strenght and firmness people seems to have loved in Hadley Fraser's Raoul, but with all the love and charm Fraser totally lacked. Add that he has a fantastic voice and the looks of a Greek god, and you have one darn fine Raoul.

I also agree about the comment on Casablanca and its ambivalent bittersweet ending, and on Anthony Crivello's unique and asexual Phantom. Whereas I did have issues with some stuff he did in the role, I did like his genuinity and uniqueness, and I also much liked that he sexed down rather than sexed up his Phantom.

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Post  LadyCDaae Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:20 pm

Yes, exactly! He's strong without being a total dick, which makes Raoul a very effective foil for the Phantom and increases the impact of the story.



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Post  StrangerThanUDreamt Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:16 am

Updated! I will be doing a few more later, and hopefully a highlights review of my favorite moments of the night as well, very soon!

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Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Empty Re: Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS

Post  Raphael Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:43 am

I agree with you about Carlotta and Piangi getting short shrift in the Vegas version - they are sort of reduced to named extras, which is a real shame. But it's not just them, even a trimmed line here and there lessens the sympathy you feel for the Phantom. That's why I think the best order to have seen the two versions to maximize appreciation was to see the original first, and the Vegas second. That way you could carry all the "deleted scenes" over with you to the Vegas cut.


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Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Empty Re: Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS

Post  StrangerThanUDreamt Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:00 am

Raphael wrote:I agree with you about Carlotta and Piangi getting short shrift in the Vegas version - they are sort of reduced to named extras, which is a real shame. But it's not just them, even a trimmed line here and there lessens the sympathy you feel for the Phantom. That's why I think the best order to have seen the two versions to maximize appreciation was to see the original first, and the Vegas second. That way you could carry all the "deleted scenes" over with you to the Vegas cut.


I definitely agree, I am glad I saw the US tour twice live a few years ago (and even watched the RAH version a few times over) to keep the shows full content fresh in my mind; It did help that in my head I could fill in a bit, but I do also agree that some of the trimmings of the Phantoms role did honestly lessen the "feel" I had for him, I really didn't feel too many characters suffered in the abridged book of the Vegas show, but when it came to Carlotta and Piangi basically being non-existent from Act II (aside from one line in Masquerade, and a very brief scene in the shortened intro to Don Jaun) I was really surprised.

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Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Empty Re: Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS

Post  LadyCDaae Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:50 pm

Another quibble I have that goes with the managers but is in no way the fault of either performer (and again this is most likely due to the abridged book) is that in what was left of Notes II the managers (I cant remeber if it was both or just one) were still in their Masquerade gear! It may seem like Im being overly picky, but I honestly felt the seriousness of the scene (or what was left of it) was nearly lost by keeping the manager(s) in their comical costumes from Masquerade.

It's not just you--I found that really distracting as well, especially since Christine had already changed into her Wishing dress. I mean, I get the logistical reasons but it's very confusing--when exactly does this scene take place, anyway? Why have some of the characters changed into their street clothes but not others? It's confusing and throws me out of what is a fairly important moment narrative-wise.



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Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Empty Re: Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS

Post  StrangerThanUDreamt Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:42 pm

LadyCDaae wrote:
Another quibble I have that goes with the managers but is in no way the fault of either performer (and again this is most likely due to the abridged book) is that in what was left of Notes II the managers (I cant remeber if it was both or just one) were still in their Masquerade gear! It may seem like Im being overly picky, but I honestly felt the seriousness of the scene (or what was left of it) was nearly lost by keeping the manager(s) in their comical costumes from Masquerade.

It's not just you--I found that really distracting as well, especially since Christine had already changed into her Wishing dress. I mean, I get the logistical reasons but it's very confusing--when exactly does this scene take place, anyway? Why have some of the characters changed into their street clothes but not others? It's confusing and throws me out of what is a fairly important moment narrative-wise.


Exactly, I felt if Christine had time to change into the Wishing dress, during Raoul and Giry's exchange, then by all means please get the managers out of their Masquerade gear, it was way too distracting; I understand Raoul not having the time, but I honestly think the military-esque costume just fits with the character so well it could be used for just about any scene, but again this falls back on how erratic I felt the editing in act II was for the Vegas version, whereas act I had snippets trimmed here and there, whole chunks of scene/song were taken out of act II. Another thing that jolted me, and I had known it to be trimmed but not to this extent, was PoNR, I feel this song is one of THE most important pieces of the show (more so than AIAoY and possibly even MoTN) I would have rather had the former be trimmed a bit more than see what is arguably the most pivotal song of the show reduced to sounding like a mere reprise.

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Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS Empty Re: Phantom Las Vegas 9/2/12 CLOSING NIGHT (Crivello/Holden/Ragone) UPDATED: 'Storming The Stage' w/ PICS

Post  NightRachel Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:47 pm

StrangerThanUDreamt wrote:Exactly, I felt if Christine had time to change into the Wishing dress, during Raoul and Giry's exchange, then by all means please get the managers out of their Masquerade gear, it was way too distracting; I understand Raoul not having the time, but I honestly think the military-esque costume just fits with the character so well it could be used for just about any scene, but again this falls back on how erratic I felt the editing in act II was for the Vegas version, whereas act I had snippets trimmed here and there, whole chunks of scene/song were taken out of act II. Another thing that jolted me, and I had known it to be trimmed but not to this extent, was PoNR, I feel this song is one of THE most important pieces of the show (more so than AIAoY and possibly even MoTN) I would have rather had the former be trimmed a bit more than see what is arguably the most pivotal song of the show reduced to sounding like a mere reprise.

Oh wow! Okay, well, this is all very interesting news to me, esp since I didn't get to see PLV. But I think I too would agree that the managers should not be wearing their Masquerade costumes during Notes II. Yeah, Raoul can still be wearing his military-style costume, and Christine should definitely be wearing her blue dress, but no Masquerade costumes for the managers in that scene!

Also, it's such a shame to hear that PoNR was edited so much! I too agree that it's a very vital part of the show, and I'd rather have AIAoY edited down than PoNR (though I wouldn't want to see an edited MoTN)! PoNR should never be reduced to a mere reprise! Mad

And, re: Larry Wayne as Piangi:
He's one of my faves in that role! I had seen him as Piangi many times when he was with the Broadway company yrs ago, so it's a shame to hear his part in PLV was reduced. Had I gotten to see the Vegas show, that would've disappointed me.

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Post  Raphael Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:30 am

NightRachel wrote:
Oh wow! Okay, well, this is all very interesting news to me, esp since I didn't get to see PLV. But I think I too would agree that the managers should not be wearing their Masquerade costumes during Notes II. Yeah, Raoul can still be wearing his military-style costume, and Christine should definitely be wearing her blue dress, but no Masquerade costumes for the managers in that scene!
There's just not enough time for Andre to change out of the skeletard into his formalwear (or maybe Andre just *really* likes that costume). At least Firmin just needs to ditch his mask and cloak.

Also, it's such a shame to hear that PoNR was edited so much! I too agree that it's a very vital part of the show, and I'd rather have AIAoY edited down than PoNR (though I wouldn't want to see an edited MoTN)! PoNR should never be reduced to a mere reprise! Mad
I'm very sad that everyone seems to think cutting down AIAoY is a good idea - it's Raoul and Christine's big love song - they trimmed it down enough already! Plus it's Hal Prince's favorite song, I doubt he'd have wanted to see it cut down further.

And, re: Larry Wayne as Piangi:
He's one of my faves in that role! I had seen him as Piangi many times when he was with the Broadway company yrs ago, so it's a shame to hear his part in PLV was reduced. Had I gotten to see the Vegas show, that would've disappointed me.
He does very well with what he's given. I think Carlotta suffers more from the cuts.


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Post  StrangerThanUDreamt Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:42 am

I do want it to be known for the record that my "small quibbles" are really just that..small critiques, and in no way hindered my final verdict of the show which is, I pretty much consider the Vegas version PERFECTION

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