Deserted Phans
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On the difficult topic banners

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On the difficult topic banners Empty On the difficult topic banners

Post  Admin Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:31 pm

Because we live in a technological world of wonders, many now use their mobile phone for internet surfing. Which is great. The downside is that large pictures tend to slow down the surfing. Especially when it comes to forums.

Because this forum has gotten several feedbacks on the subject, it's time to discuss banners. Or, it's not even up for discussion. This forum allows pictures in the signatures. Some of you are creative, some of you are informative. That is always good! But remember that the signature shows up every time you post. A large picture and multiple posts can make a site as slow as a turtle, and not just on the mobile phone. Therefore:

Banners are still allowed. But you're requested to keep your banner no wider that 600 pixels and no taller than 100 pixels. I.E max 600 x 100. It might be a severe limitation to some. But hopefully it'll be a creative challenge for others, while making surfing easier for us all.

Posts : 24
Join date : 2009-09-21

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