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Phantom Actors Concerts and Appearances

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Phantom Actors Concerts and Appearances Empty Phantom Actors Concerts and Appearances

Post  Madame Giry Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:02 pm

I remember we had a thread for current and former Phantom actors and what they were doing outside of the show.

Any Arizona fans?

Franc D'Ambrosio is giving a Valentine's Day concert at the Fellowship Church in Anthem, Arizona. There will also be a meet and greet party the day before.

Pre-Valentine Party
with ‘The Phantom’
Saturday, Feb. 13, 6 p.m.
Private Anthem Country Club Residence
Food, complimentary beverages and a short performance by Franc D'Ambrosio followed by a meet and greet.

'Let the Phantom
be Your Valentine’
Sunday, Feb. 14
Doors open at 6 p.m.
Concert 7 p.m.
$35/General admission
$50/Premium seats, post-concert meet-and-greet and an opportunity for a photo taken with Franc D’Ambrosio.

Madame Giry
Madame Giry

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Phantom Actors Concerts and Appearances Empty D.C. Anderson (Andre) In Concert in Dallas, TX

Post  operaphan Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:46 am

D.C. Anderson, who plays the manager Andre on the U.S. Tour, will be in concert with Roy Zimmerman in Dallas, TX on Monday, February 22.

Venue is the Pocket Sandwich Theatre on Mockingbird Lane just off Hwy 75 in Dallas, TX.

Anyone in the Dallas area interested in meeting up for the show? Let me know!


From the venue's website:

“D.C. Anderson and Roy Zimmerman – In Concert!”

D.C. Anderson has toured extensively throughout the US and Canada this past 20 years with The Phantom Of The Opera as an actor/singer. He’s on tour in Dallas this week, and he’s hooked up with a couple of friends and fellow entertainers to do a show for us. His two pals and also immensely talented performers are:

Roy Zimmerman, Songster/Satirist, who, says The Los Angeles Times, “displays a lacerating wit and keen awareness of society's foibles that bring to mind a latter-day Tom Lehrer." And Tom Lehrer himself says, "I congratulate Roy Zimmerman on reintroducing literacy to comedy songs. And the rhymes actually rhyme, they don't just 'rhyne.’”

But don’t just take our word for it. Check them out. They’re terrific.

Monday, February 22

Seating, and food and beverage service, begins at 6:15. Show is at 7:30. Tickets are only $15. Rated PG-13.

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Join date : 2009-10-06
Location : Dallas, TX, USA

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Phantom Actors Concerts and Appearances Empty Re: Phantom Actors Concerts and Appearances

Post  phantomphan1992 Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:32 pm

That sounds so awesome. I wish I could go, but seeing the show tomorrow night is already a bit of a stretch.

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Join date : 2009-10-01
Age : 32
Location : Dallas, TX

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