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POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres:

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POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres: - Page 2 Empty Re: POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres:

Post  StrangerThanUDreamt Tue May 08, 2012 3:44 am

Thats where you get into opinion though...with what defines a "proper" or "best" sequel...however I agree with most of your points
although you do realize Mr Lucas has stated recently that he personally feels "Empire Strikes Back" is the worst and his personal least favorite of the original movies? Yeah...the starwars fan community went nuts(myself included)...but the point is even some of the best minds i.e. Lucas...Webber...will have their way, because afterall it is their creation.

another interesting note; you know the majority L.Frank Baum fan community views Wicked as their "LND" lol. They think it ruins much of the original book/movie and should be kept at a very far distance...not my views, but yeah the "unwanted sequel/prequel" thing in musical theatre has happened before.

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POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres: - Page 2 Empty Re: POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres:

Post  Raphael Tue May 08, 2012 4:04 am

StrangerThanUDreamt wrote:...but the point is even some of the best minds i.e. Lucas...Webber...will have their way, because afterall it is their creation.
It also points out that the creators can be complete idiots too Wink


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POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres: - Page 2 Empty Re: POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres:

Post  Scorp Tue May 08, 2012 6:52 am

StrangerThanUDreamt wrote:

another interesting note; you know the majority L.Frank Baum fan community views Wicked as their "LND" lol. They think it ruins much of the original book/movie and should be kept at a very far distance...not my views, but yeah the "unwanted sequel/prequel" thing in musical theatre has happened before.

Luckily for L. Frank Baum fans, Wicked is not relentlessly shoved in your face whenever The Wizard of Oz is promoted.

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POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres: - Page 2 Empty Re: POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres:

Post  LadyCDaae Tue May 08, 2012 1:42 pm

Wicked isn't a sequel, it's a re-interpretation with no pretensions to canon--in that respect, I would say it's more along the lines of Kopit/Yeston than LND.

And I'm convinced Lucas was trolling fans with that Empire comment. He can't honestly believe the movie that has the single biggest Wham Moment of the entire saga to be the least of its installments. (Of course, I could be wrong and Raphael could be right--he is an idiot about his own creation.)



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POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres: - Page 2 Empty Re: POTO Being Reissued in Movie Theatres:

Post  StrangerThanUDreamt Tue May 08, 2012 7:21 pm

I was talking in regards of how fans of a certain fandom react to new stories be they sequel, prequel or spinoffs when an original has already been firmly grounded. While the general audience embraced Wicked...the diehard fans of Baum and Oz felt the opposite, and they too feel everytime anything Oz related is mentioned that "Wicked" is pushed in their faces as well, esp the two witches now overshadowing the main four. Again just an example in a related field.

As for the Lucas remark, this man is obsessed with tech. and its placement in films, so while I dont agree that Empire is bad by any means, I can see why he would, after all he keeps tinkering with the originals so much he might as well just remake them.

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