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The Avon Boutique

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The Avon Boutique Empty The Avon Boutique

Post  Bunvendor Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:56 pm

Hi all,
Does anyone remember the Avon Boutique? I was never lucky enough to go there, but it sounds like a really cool place. Does anyone have any info about it?

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The Avon Boutique Empty Re: The Avon Boutique

Post  PhantomsGhost Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:15 pm

Yes! I remember that place. I never was in the physical store, but I had ordered some stuff from them through their catalog a few times. Which I still have. Two of 'em.

I was very sad when they went out of business some years back. Sad

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The Avon Boutique Empty Re: The Avon Boutique

Post  Bunvendor Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:28 pm

PhantomsGhost wrote:Yes! I remember that place. I never was in the physical store, but I had ordered some stuff from them through their catalog a few times. Which I still have. Two of 'em.

I was very sad when they went out of business some years back. Sad
Cool! I was very sad when I first discovered the avon boutique, because I thought it was still open. You cannot imagine my dissapointment! You mentioned buying from their catalogue; do you know any way of contacting the old owners? If anyone knew, that would be very helpful.
I wish that there were more phantom shops. Not owned by RUG though. Perhaps we could set up a deserted phans POTO shop in London?!

Posts : 227
Join date : 2011-09-17
Location : England

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