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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  MasqPhan Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:34 am

To keep all the sections neat and tidy for the resources etc for various costumes, perhaps need a new section started on the main page of DP and then threads within it for the different categories? Will need Anea to do that though as I can't get into the Admin panel to add topics....

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  ML6 Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:36 am

MasqPhan wrote:To keep all the sections neat and tidy for the resources etc for various costumes, perhaps need a new section started on the main page of DP and then threads within it for the different categories? Will need Anea to do that though as I can't get into the Admin panel to add topics....

Me like this idea! Very Happy

*waits patiently*

So glad everyone on here is so nice. <3

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Post  operafantomet Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:22 pm

I second this. Won't have to time look into it for a week or so. If nothing has happened by the end of October, hunt me down and remind me of it...

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty The latest

Post  Phinnish Phan Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:01 pm

Here's my latest mask. I thought it'd be interesting to show the process of painting, so here goes!

First, the blank unpainted mask:

Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 1Blankmask

Base colour:

Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 2Basecolour

Shading, first step:

Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 3Shaded1

Shading, 2nd step:

Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 4Shaded2

Final colours 1:

Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 5Finalside

Final colours 2:

Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 6Finalfront
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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Bunvendor Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:33 pm

Wow. I bow down to you sir! I love it too much!!!!!

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Post  London-Phan Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:40 pm

May I ask where you got that mask from? It's awesome and you did a great job on the pair work.

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Phinnish Phan Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:45 pm

Thanks guys!

My friend sculpted an awesome 1:1 likeness of Michael Crawford as Phantom and sculpted a mask to go with it. He had masks vacuum-formed and thats one of those masks. I prepped the surface with micro-mesh pads and airbrushed the mask with automotive detailing colors.
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Post  London-Phan Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:06 pm

Phinnish Phan wrote:Thanks guys!

My friend sculpted an awesome 1:1 likeness of Michael Crawford as Phantom and sculpted a mask to go with it. He had masks vacuum-formed and thats one of those masks. I prepped the surface with micro-mesh pads and airbrushed the mask with automotive detailing colors.

Is it the same person who has Crawford replica phantom masks for sale on eBay, as they look very similar? I'm very impressed with the paint job. It really is a great looking mask.

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Phinnish Phan Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:12 pm

I dont think so. He was not public about these masks. Checked ebay and the Crawford masks I found (two, painted and unpainted) look really different. Not to mention they're resin, mine is vacuum-formed plastic just like the real deal.
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Post  London-Phan Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:19 pm

I thought they looked similar although I admit yours does look better. I would love one! I do like the one from eBay too though so I may have to buy one of those. Very Happy

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Post  Phantom on a Budget Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:19 pm

London Phan, they are from two different artists. Great job with the paint, Phinnish Phan. It's nice to see one done up.
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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Phinnish Phan Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:24 pm


All I need now is a Broadway-style mask and then I am one happy Phantom!
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Post  operafantomet Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:57 pm

I second the wow's!! It looks really, really good.

But would one more mask satisfy you for life? Really? Smile

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Post  Phinnish Phan Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:06 pm

Probably not...LOL But its good to go one mask at a time!
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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Bunvendor Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:15 pm

Congrats, Phinnish phan, I know I already have said, but I feel the need to say it again!
Also, I see phantomfett's and Loettchen's red death masks, and I am just wondering, if they are not home made, where can they be purchased?

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Post  Phantom on a Budget Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:47 pm

Phantomfett's was home made. This applies to both Red Death and regular Phantom masks - almost anyone can build their own by sculpting a mold, and vacuum forming (with plastic) a mask. Vacuum forming can be done at home too, by researching what's required and assembling your own. It all just requires some dedication, time, and patience on your end. Or, one can hire an artist to do it for you, just don't expect that option to necessarily be cheap.
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Post  Bunvendor Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:25 pm

Thanks there phantomonabudget, I would love to build my own but I don't really have time, materials or knowledge, or money in fact! I just recalled that loettchen said that she was looking to buy a skull mask, and hers was very nice indeed.

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Post  Phantom on a Budget Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:22 pm

It's unfortunately the nature of Phantom costuming, whether you're looking to just collect or actually wear these items. They're either going to require a lot of time and effort to make yourself, or are going to cost money to buy. If you're lucky enough to know someone personally that can do that sort of work for you, and give you a break on the price, then that is a good option to explore. Otherwise, it comes back down to time/effort, or cash.

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Loettchen Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:53 am

I'm glad you liked my mask, thephanfullerton! I was planning to buy a mask, but at that time, my parents took a vacation to Italy and found an unpainted skull mask in a mask shop. They brought it home to me, and I painted it myself. I found it an ideal compromise, since it was cheap, I didn't have to build my own mask, but I was able to add a little customization. For instance, I used black paint to alter the shape of the nose and eye holes and to redefine the jaw and teeth. Sadly, it doesn't have a moveable jaw, but it served my purposes. I also added the elastic and the black fabric in the eye and nose holes myself.

Photos, if you're interested: here, here, and here

I don't remember what mask I was looking at before my parents bought that one, but there are a few decent ones with moveable jaws in Halloween store and the like. For example,
here and here.

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Post  justin1976 Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:49 am

With Halloween fast approaching, there are lots of skull masks with movable jaws which could easily be adapted for Red Death. There are many styles and prices - here's an example: And another (more expensive):


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  operafantomet Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:56 pm

Working on decorating the new Wishing bodice (which is almost finished). I bought a super cool beaded and embroidered lace fabric in a Pakistani shop in Oslo, and cut out various shapes. These were applied to the velvet faux vest and cuffs and stitched down. In a quirky way I did like that lavender colour towards the blue fabric, so for a second I was tempted to keep it. But it just wasn't very Wishing gown-y... So charcoal/blue beads (rocailles and tubes) were stitched down on top of the lavender areas to tone it down. it looks more right, but I've kept just a tiny hint of the colour visible underneath the beads... It adds to the look. One cuff down, one to go... plus the whole faux vest... and the collar... merde...
Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Th_wishappliquevest Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Th_wishappliquecuff

And I have made Phantom wristwarmers... They're made of knitted black wool and cut-out masks of cream felt. The wool felt is thick, so when stitched down it creates a sculpted look. I've worn them basically every day!
Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Th_wristwarmers

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Post  Bunvendor Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:20 pm

Very Nice there, operafantomnet! Now, does anyone know the names of the red deathhat and the graveyard hat?

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Post  Phantom on a Budget Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:43 pm

Red Death hat and Wandering Child hat.
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Post  Guest Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:36 am

I've heard the Wandering Child hat called the Mausoleum hat, too. Smile


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Bunvendor Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:14 pm

No, I mean the style of hat like the phantom hat is the fedora.

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Post  Guest Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:39 pm

The RD hat has a felt base with a buckram crown. Doesn't really have a name that I know of. Mausoleum hat is just a black felt hat with the brim flipped up.


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  operafantomet Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:25 pm

I wonder if the Red Death one wouldn't qualify as a "Cavalier hat". I'm a bit fuzzy about the exact definition (yes, I did check Wikipedia), but the general idea of it seems to be a wide brimmed felt hat , often with one side of the brim flipped up, and with ostrich feather decorations. The size of the pull seems to vary a lot. This type of hat was typical for the 17th century, which corresponds well with the style of the Red Death breeches and doublet. The size of the hat and its decorations is larger than life, though.

Within that definition... wouldn't the Mausoleum hat also qualify as a Cavalier hat?

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Post  Phantom on a Budget Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:16 am

thephanfullerton wrote:No, I mean the style of hat like the phantom hat is the fedora.

Just search for "wide brimmed felt hat" and you'll be surprised. This was copied from a post I made on

[The Wandering Child hat] is just a rich looking hat under stage lights. The colors and textures in the feathers really play well to the house. As to finding one, it's just a round-brimmed felt hat with a round crown. Very simple, plain hat by itself. Something along these lines would be a start:

Granted, that's a women's hat, but it gives you an idea. Flip that front up, shove some feathers in there, and go to town. Here are some more:

The mother load:
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Phantom on a Budget

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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  Guest Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:55 am

Cavalier hat might be it. The only issue with labeling it as such is the variations that have cropped up over the years. Some flip up in the front, some on the right side, some on the left....I think the most frustrating thing about the hat is when people tell me that mine is wrong....It all depends on which one you're referencing.

As for the mausoleum hat being a cavalier hat....maybe. Most cavalier hats I've seen have the feathers going towards the back. On this hat, the brim is flipped up on the front right with the feathers draped off the left side.

Last edited by phantomfett on Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:04 am; edited 1 time in total


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Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1 - Page 27 Empty Re: Phantom costumes - real and replicas 1

Post  operafantomet Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:03 am

phantomfett wrote:Cavalier hat might be it. The only issue with labeling it as such is the variations that have cropped up over the years. Some flip up in the front, some on the right side, some on the left....I think the most frustrating thing about the hat is when people tell me that mine is wrong....It all depends on which one you're referencing.
Yeah, but back in the 17th century they didn't wear it ONE way either. Browsing through period paintings will show a variety of ways it was worn and decorated.

Either how, when people tell you that your hat is "wrong", tell them that what you've created is a Victorian take on a cavalier hat. Wink

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