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Phantom of the Opera covers

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Phantom of the Opera covers Empty Phantom of the Opera covers

Post  Klavirista Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:43 am

Since 1986 many musical groups recorded covers of POTO (actually this song is covered oftener than, for example, MOTN) in many genres: new classical (like Richard Clayderman), gothic (Dreams of Sanity), gothic metall (Anabantha) and etc. The most famous, I believe, is Nightwish version with Tarja Turunen (symphonic power metall).

Recently, for the 100-year anniversary of the novel by Gaston Leroux, the Russian group Unreal released the 13-minute audio-performance (mini-play) "The Phantom of the Opera or Christine Daae's madness", the central part of which is the cover version of "Phantom of the Opera". Christine Daae - Mystery, The Phantom - Roman Rain (he's not a member of the group but a solo performer).

Phantom of the Opera covers 70e419a79228t
Promo-photo, Mystery as Christine Daae and Roman Rain as The Phantom.

The plot: Christine Daae is now in the clinic for mentally ill patients (it's 16 years later the events in the Opera). Two doctors talk about her illness (one of them can use the hypnosis for medication). Christine comes to the cabinet, doctor hypnotizes her and the cover begins (the doctor's voice with the metronome ticking hypnotizes the listener too Very Happy )
After the song ends, Christine faintes and she's carried in her chamber.
Doctors think that she's really mad and it's Christine who murdered the people in the Opera and she's to blame to all crimes!
This track is NOT recommended to the listeners with unstable nervous system!

You can listen the track here. If necessary, I can translate the lyrics of the cover (it's rather an interpratation of the Leroux's novel than translation of the original song)

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Phantom of the Opera covers Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera covers

Post  Klavirista Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:19 pm

Hungarian cover by Ideas & Kalapács József:
Az operaház fantomja
This cover is for those who like metal with the opera vocal.
There is also English version of this song, but The Phantom's part sung by another singer - Andy B. Franck (I like him much more Hungarian Phantom Smile )
The Phantom Of The Opera

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Phantom of the Opera covers Empty Re: Phantom of the Opera covers

Post  RoseOfTransylvania Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:58 pm

Wow, interesting! Mentally ill Christine accused as murders! Shocked

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Age : 53
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