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Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular!

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Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular! Empty Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular!

Post  Bunvendor Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:58 pm

Hi all,
I'm sure we all know that the holidays are coming, and I just thought it would be fitting to have a specific phantom christmas page to discuss phantom-christmas related things. Anyone got PhanChristmas plans? Any phantom related presents on the way? Any interesting Christmas stories or pictures? This is the thread for you...

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Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular! Empty Re: Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular!

Post  PridePhan Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:07 am


I Dont know how much Christmas it is but well, it will happen in december Smile....

I work at a place for older people and they, as so many other poor older people, have long and boring days. So I decided to do something special and first week in December we are going to have a Phantom day.
I have fixed with a projector and a good sound system and will show the Albert Hall version of Phantom, and in the Intermission we will serve afternoon tea with alot of good stuff. Yesterday I was running around and gave them a small "program" with the story etc.
It will be fun, and coolest thing is that the youngest who will watch it that day is 82 years old and the oldest 99!


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Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular! Empty Re: Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular!

Post  Porteña Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:46 pm

PridePhan wrote:Well...

I Dont know how much Christmas it is but well, it will happen in december Smile....

I work at a place for older people and they, as so many other poor older people, have long and boring days. So I decided to do something special and first week in December we are going to have a Phantom day.
I have fixed with a projector and a good sound system and will show the Albert Hall version of Phantom, and in the Intermission we will serve afternoon tea with alot of good stuff. Yesterday I was running around and gave them a small "program" with the story etc.
It will be fun, and coolest thing is that the youngest who will watch it that day is 82 years old and the oldest 99!


Wow! That's truly a GREAT idea, along with the brochures.

Let us know how it went!

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-17
Location : Buenos Aires

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Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular! Empty Re: Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular!

Post  Bunvendor Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:48 am

PridePhan wrote:Well...

I Dont know how much Christmas it is but well, it will happen in december Smile....

I work at a place for older people and they, as so many other poor older people, have long and boring days. So I decided to do something special and first week in December we are going to have a Phantom day.
I have fixed with a projector and a good sound system and will show the Albert Hall version of Phantom, and in the Intermission we will serve afternoon tea with alot of good stuff. Yesterday I was running around and gave them a small "program" with the story etc.
It will be fun, and coolest thing is that the youngest who will watch it that day is 82 years old and the oldest 99!

That's awesome! Its nice to bring such an amazing show to people who may not be able to see the actual thing.

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Join date : 2011-09-17
Location : England

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Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular! Empty Re: Phantom, a Christmas Spectacular!

Post  Loettchen Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:06 am

That's a really cool idea on many levels, PridePhan. I hope it turns out great!

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